How to Form an LLC in Hawaii

Step 1. Choose a name and address for your LLC. Make sure it is a physical mailing address, not a PO Box.

Step 2. Choose a registered agent. This is the person or company that will go on record to receive communications for your LLC. You can be your own registered agent, or you can find a company online (just google Hawaii registered agent). If you choose to be your own registered agent, again, make sure you have a physical mailing address (not a PO Box).
Step 3. Complete the form LLC-1, available here.
  1. In the first section, put your LLC’s name
  2. In the second section, put your LLC’s address.
  3. In the third section  put your name and address (if you’re acting as your own registered agent), or the name and address of the registered agent.
  4. In the fourth section, put your name and address as the organizer
  5. In the fifth section, check at will
  6. In the sixth section, check manager-managed and put your name and address.
  7. In the seventh section, check “shall not be liable for the debts, obligations and liabilities of the company”
  8. Sign and date
Step 4. Create an account and file the LLC-1 form online at the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs website. As of the date of this blog post, the filing fee is $50.
Step 5. Create an operating agreement. You do not file the operating agreement. It is for your records and specifies how your LLC will operate.
Step 6. Once your filing is approved, apply for a Tax Identification Number for your LLC  with the IRS here.
Step 7 (optional). Once you have a TIN, you can open a business bank account, get a business credit card, etc. This allows you to start building a credit history for your LLC.